Friday, March 17, 2017

Potty Training Nighmares

Emily is starting the potty training journey and I'll admit, this is NOT going well, I am having several issues.

1. It has to be her idea -  she is strong headed, that one, so I can ask and ask and put her on the potty and sit with her for 20 min reading stories and she won't go, but five minutes after she gets off the potty she'll have an accident. I'm pretty sure just to spite me.

   *One day she was in the bathroom playing in the sink with her sister and the barbie who gives her dog a bath, not 4 steps from the toilet and she had an accident everywhere, this was not 5 minutes after I'd taken her to sit on the potty.

2. Incentives - we implemented an incentive program - and yes I know all the research out there says not to use food as an incentive, but the kid loves chocolate, and could care less about stickers so we thought this was a win win. She does GREAT when she is hungry, before meal times and around snack times, "Treat Mommy!"

*I had to move the treat stash as she started sneaking them every time she went potty, in her diaper!

3. Naked Butts - if I put a pull up or underwear on her she will forget to go so I let her run around the house without pants on. This is all fine and dandy on those days we have no where to go. But that is only 2 days a week and some weekends. This results in having to do a pull up or diaper while we are on our "adventures" which I worry confuses and sets her back.

   *sitting in her highchair at lunch she had on a dress and leggings as we'd been playing in the basement; she "forgot" and pottied, seeing as she was in the highchair the mess resulted in the floors getting mopped and the high chair getting a spray down.
   *It is also the season of never ending illness so when running around naked and tummy issues happen.... well lets just say the clean up is even less desirable than having to mop the floor. Not to mention a grossed out older sister!

 For many reasons, I NEED her pottied trained, but mostly because diapers are ridiculous, she is almost 3, and we are considering preschool in the fall.

She is great at telling me when she needs to be changed, but not so great at telling me when she has to go! OH EMILY!
the face I usually get when I ask "Do you have to go potty?" "NO!"

What worked for you?

<3 Jacque

Monday, March 13, 2017


The other night my family and I attended the Remsen St. Mary's vs. LeMars Gehlen boys basketball game, and I want to commend both teams and fans on their sportsmanship.
I have been to a lot of high school basketball games over the last couple years, and have seen a large number of excellent examples of sportsmanship and a large number of negative examples of sportsmanship; and not just from the players, but from fans as well.
NOT TONIGHT! Both teams played with heart, hustle and most importantly - Respect. Respect for their team, for their fans, for their opponent, for the officials, and for the sport itself.
Both fan bases were equally excited, they cheered loudly and they were enthusiastic. Something I didn't hear much of was booing or negative comments to players or officials, even when calls may not have gone their way.
As a parent who brings her young children to these games I was humbled and gracious to everyone that I didn't have to shy my kids away from that, or explain why they can't act like that.
To the parents, teachers, fans, coaches and most importantly players - THANK YOU. Thank you for showing my children that you can play with heart and hustle and not degrade your opponent. You can win and be excited and still understand the heartbreak the other team is feeling. You can lose graciously knowing that you left it all on the court and hold your head high as you congratulate the other team.
Gehlen Catholic and Remsen St. Mary's families, you both have a lot to be proud of tonight, and I am not just talking about your basketball records, for that I congratulate you.I pray that both schools can continue these examples of sportsmanship, so when other young families attend their events they walk away with a feeling of restored hope and kindness in a world where we see so much negative.
Congratulations to both teams!
Update: Remsen St. Mary's made it to the State Tournament where they were awarded the Class 1A sportsmanship award. I am excited for my children to be a part of a school that takes this part of life so seriously and am excited that others have recognized this as I have. Congratulations Hawks!
                                             *State Basketball Cheering Section*

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